Summary: Steel framed houses are stronger than wood framed houses, provide home design flexibility, resistance to wind, earthquake, and wood rot and are a good cost effective and green alternative to wood framing.
Carl, Thanks for all your info on home building.
I've got my house plans done and I’m ready to start getting bids.
My question is that I'm building a single story 2,400 square foot ranch house and I'm really leaning towards an all metal home.
Have you ever built one and is their real cost advantage to metal over wood?
I would like to use light gauge and not red iron.
Can a vaulted ceiling still be used in the living room with metal trusses?
It will be 2400 sq feet.
Thanks, Joey H.
Hi Joey,
Yes, you can use metal or steel trusses to build a vaulted living room. Steel or metal framing is stronger than wood framing.
I have never built a steel home, but I have financed several and I was always impressed with the quality and structural integrity of these homes.
In fact, the first time I saw a steel framed house I was so impressed I thought... read the rest.
Carl Heldmann