Summary: When buying land to build a new home first choose the area where you want to live because location determines land value and cost.
Carl, How do you find land to build on and make sure that it has water, sewer, gas, Internet access, or cable, or even satellite?
Also, how do you know what kind of structure you can build on land before purchasing or what the restrictions are?
Actually, how do you find land in general for that matter, or a real estate agent?
Thank you, J. W. T.
Hi J.
If you have lived in a city or town for a while, you probably know where you want to build.
If you haven't been looking around, or if you are new to an area, I suggest...another possible source for your new home building site would be a new home builder or new home development.
New home builders and new housing developers often find themselves with too many building lots and are willing to sell them...Read more
Carl Heldmann,