The example you use shows 2000 sq.ft. on one level.
Does the $80 per sq. ft. cost to build include a basement?
If there is a basement, is it finished?
Hi Bill,
The example you are referring to, is the 1st one (of 4) on the cost estimating page and the cost DOES include building the basement, but NO, it does not include finishing the basement.
It is easy to figure the cost of having a basement and the cost of finishing a basement for any house using the cost to build calculator (step #5) on my "Getting Started" page.
Just compute the cost to build a house first without a basement, then with an unfinished basement and then do the same house again with a finished basement.
It is amazing how little it costs to finish a basement, IF you do it at the time the house is being built.
By the way, the cost per sq. ft., of living area if it includes the basement living area drops like a rock!
Your question is a good one.
Please don't hesitate to ask any further questions.
Thanks for your interest in and good luck!