Carl, I'm interested in buying a building lot that failed a deep hole test for a septic system.
What are my options for this piece of land if it failed the deep hole test?
If I can not put in a septic system can I attach to the city sewer?
Thank you in advance for any advice.
Regards, Tony
Hi Tony,
If sewer were available, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
In most, if not all locales you are not allowed to install any type of septic system if sewer is available. Builders are required to use the existing or planned sewer line for new construction
But if it is available you should have no problem other than paying the sewer tap in fee or sewer privilege fees.
A quick call to the local Building Inspection Department and Health Department will give you an answer to sewer availability.
If sewer is not available you could discuss the possibility of using an alternate septic system. Getting alternate septic systems designed and approved is not cheap and it involves a lot of your time and money.
I have used alternative septic systems and due to the extra cost and hassles, got great prices on the lots.
Here’s some excellent advice on “alternate septic systems" from
Also, read my Water Wells-Septic Systems.
Get all your options together, and their relevant costs before deciding what to do with this piece of land.
Good luck,
Carl Heldmann,