I would like to ask you if there is anyway to find out on a specific plan what costs modular home sellers charge?
For example, They use vinyl siding and I want fiber cement - do they put it on or am I responsible for finding a siding co. to do it. I have quite a few things I need answered but before I bore you I just wanted to know can I ask you?
Thanks, Janet
Hi Janet,
A modular home builder is just like custom home builder except they build their homes inside large buildings where the climate is controlled, instead of outside where the weather is in control.
If you are willing to pay for it, they will price the home with just about whatever you want, including fiber cement siding or even brick (see below), as long as it doesn’t change their building process.

Courtesy: Modular Homes Network
Some manufactures offer options such as fireplaces, window upgrades, virtually any kind or type of flooring, counter tops, cabinets, etc.
Some even offer floor plan and elevation modifications.
Since siding is usually shipped with the home, but applied (on a true modular) after the home is delivered, pricing fiber cement siding instead of vinyl should not be difficult.

Courtesy: Modular Homes Network
I will be glad to answer any other questions you have.
You might want to call a few modular companies to compare what they offer as far as options go.
By the way, Modular Homes Network is a very informative modular home website!
PS. Be sure and read “Modular Homes Cost to Build” and “Modular Homes vs. Stick Built”
Carl Heldmann, byoh.com